


Electric resistance humidifiers

Electric resistance humidifiers
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heaterSteam series
heaterSteam features an extremely high technological content. The electric heater elements are cast in aluminium plates, for lower power surface density and thus safer operation.

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heaterSteam series
heaterSteam features an extremely high technological content. The electric heater elements are cast in aluminium plates, for lower power surface density and thus safer operation. The optional teflon coating of the electric elements reduces the formation of deposits and, as a consequence, maintenance. The new system for the detection of mineral deposits on the elements, together with the other safety systems, make heaterSteam extremely reliable and safe. The openable stainless steel cylinder with removable filter and the optional internal plastic lining for the collection of lime, make maintenance operations especially simple. The customer can choose between the economical ON/OFF control unit and the precise modulating control units. In addition it is possible to connect several humidifiers with the sophisticated graphic display humivisor, which also allows remote management (up to 1km) of a series of units.


Type C: ON/OFF control
This is the simplest model that works with an easy understandable icon-based display.The C control works at either 0% or 100% of the preset maximum production capacity, which makes it very easy to use and to understand. The only programmable parameter is the steam production capacity, which can be set to 30%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the nominal capacity of the humidifier.

The C model type is ideal for all those situations where an external humidity regulation system is available, for instance an air handling unit fitted with a humidistat.


Type T: steam modulation driven by temperature
The heaterSteam model fitted with T type control has been developed for steam bath applications, for which the steam production is controlled in relation to the temperature.
For steam baths the relative humidity is always at saturation level 100%.
The control modulates the steam production and works basically like the H control, with the difference that the steam production is set in relation to the measured temperature instead of the relative humidity.
Also in this case, the ambient probe is not included.

All heaterSteam series humidifiers can be supplied with three different types of control units, identified by letters:
- "C" type: humidifiers with ON/OFF control driven by an external signal
- "H" type: humidifiers with built-in humidity regulation unit (modulating control)
- "T" type: humidifiers specific for steam bath applications.


Type H: modulating control, with built-in regulation
The "H" type humidifiers feature a built-in, fully programmable regulator, which must be completed with an external humidity probe for close-loop control. The control interface of the humidifier allows to set the humidity set point and the differential value, as well as many other parameters.



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