The ultimateSteam and ultimateSAM steam distributors are designed to receive pressurised steam (max. 4 bars) via a modulating valve, or steam at atmospheric pressure (max. 2500 Pa) without modulating valve, from an external steam generator anddeliver it directly into the duct or air handling unit. Both ensure excellent performance for use in the most critical conditions, above all where the space available for absorption of the steam is very small, even less than 0.5 m. Steam flow ranges from 1 to 1110 kg/h, with very low condensate formation (max. 5% of flow-rate); dimensions vary from 300 x 300 to 3000 x 3100 mm.
ultimateSAM and ultimateSteam can be supplied complete with electronically or pneumatically-controlled steam valve, “Y” filter, droplet separator and steam trap.
• minimum non-wetting distance: steam delivery through continuous slits in ultimateSteam, or Ryton nozzles distributed along the entire height of the uprights in ultimateSAM, creates a thin layer of steam that flows uniformly from both sides of the distributor, creating a large contact surface with the air, allowing a minimum non-wetting distance (even less than 0.5 m);
• minimum losses due to condensation on thermally insulated distributors (max. 5% of steam flow-rate);
• no emission of droplets of condensate from ultimateSteam and the ultimateSAM version with insulation. ultimateSteam is covered by ceramic lining deriving from the aeronautical industry, and is designed to capture and discharge any droplets of condensate to the bottom manifold, where they re-evaporate: this is made possible by the special herringbone arrangement of the uprights. ultimateSAM with thermally insulated uprights has Ryton nozzles that only deliver dry steam from the centre of the distribution pipes, while condensate is collected in the bottom manifold, where it re-evaporates (Ryton, or PPS, has a continuous operating temperature of 220 °C / 428 °F)
• long periods without maintenance: all the pipes are made from steel; the gaskets on ultimateSAM are high temperature silicone (min. 150 °C/300 °F) when not in contact with steam, or EPDM when contact with steam.
• ultimateSteam is made in the USA so as to best serve the American and Asian markets, and is supplied unassembled
• ultimateSAM is made in Italy so as to best serve the European and Asian markets, and can be supplied with or without thermal insulation (depending on whether the emphasis is on performance or cost competitiveness), with or without support frame for the uprights, unassembled or completely assembled
The ultimateSteam and ultimateSAM direct humidification systems include:
• steam supply manifolds (top and/or bottom);
• uprights (distribution pipes);
• steam inlet “Y” filter and piping (the latter only on ultimateSteam);
• steam valve with electronic or pneumatic control (the latter only on ultimateSteam);
• F&T steam trap and condensate drain (the latter only on ultimateSAM)
Installation procedure
ultimateSteam and ultimateSAM are sized depending on actual duct dimensions.
The valve and steam trap can be fitted inside or outside the duct (to be specified for configuration).
Food processing
Computer rooms and telephone exchanges
High Tech microchip manufacturing
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